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Program executable file icon Program executable file type extensions
(177 file extension database entries)

File extensions used by executable files, object code files, batch files, shared and dynamically-linked libraries

List of common program executables

Program executable file extension list

File extensions used by executable files, object code files, batch files, shared and dynamically-linked libraries.

Program executable files types are special file formats or text scripts, which computer operating system are able to directly execute. Executable files are non-readable, commonly in binary format and are created (compiled) from source code file and passed through compiler or assembler.

Operating systems designate executable files by file suffix (exe, com under the MS-DOS or Microsoft Windows family operating systems) or are noted alongside the file in its metadata (Linux or another Unix based operating systems are marking file as executable). Apple MAC OS X is using app file extension for application container or ipa for iPhone and iPod applications (extension is hidden by default). Most operating systems check executable format validation, to protect themself against dangerous bit sequences.

Executable files are not commonly compatible between operating systems and e.g. executable file, which is written for Microsoft Windows platform, will not work under Linux or MAC OS X.

A special type of executable files are script or batch files. A batch file is a plain text file that contains a sequence of commands for the computer operating system, or it is usually created for command sequences for which the user has a repeated need. Under MS-DOS or Windows batch files use bat or cmd file extension. Under Linux and Unix based operating systems these files are are called shell scripts. In IBM mainframe VM operating systems the batch file is called an EXEC.

Sort by: ExtensionSort by: File type description
exe file icon file extension exeProgram executable
dll file icon file extension dllDynamic Link Library
 file extension appxMicrosoft AppX application package
 file extension lnkWindows Shortcut
jar file icon file extension jarCompressed archive file package for Java classes and data
 file extension ex4MetaTrader program data
dex file icon file extension dexGoogle Android compiled executable
deb file icon file extension debDebian Linux package
msi file icon file extension msiMicrosoft Windows Installer installation package
 file extension execUnix executable file
 file extension fmxOracle executable form
 file extension elfELF executable
js file icon file extension jsJavaScript source code script
bas file icon file extension basBasic source code
com file icon file extension comCommand executable
xap file icon file extension xapMicrosoft Windows Phone and Microsoft Silverlight application package
accde file icon file extension accdeMicrosoft Access compiled execute only database
app file icon file extension appMac application package or core system service
bat file icon file extension batBatch file (executable)
air file icon file extension airAdobe AIR rich Internet applications
rpm file icon file extension rpmLinux package manager archive
 file extension tcpTally.ERP compiled program
vbs file icon file extension vbsVisual Basic script
pl file icon file extension plPerl script language source code
fxp file icon file extension fxpVisual FoxPro compiled database
 file extension binBinary executable
 file extension applicationClickOnce deployment manifest
odex file icon file extension odexGoogle Android optimized executable
 file extension qpkgQnap QTS application package
hta file icon file extension htaHTML program
shs file icon file extension shsMicrosoft Windows Shell Scrap Object
cmd file icon file extension cmdMicrosoft Windows command script
 file extension pydPython dynamic module
 file extension ndrRightFax executable
 file extension pyzPython zipped executable
 file extension stxSchneider Automation S.A. PL7 program
part1.exe file icon file extension part1.exeSplit Multi-volume RAR compressed self-extracting file archive (part 1)
 file extension irxPS2 modified elf object
 file extension sxxSAS Stat Studio module executable
cpl file icon file extension cplMicrosoft Windows Control Panel data
 file extension program
 file extension apkAsustor ADM application package
prx file icon file extension prxFoxPro compiled program
 file extension 3dsx3DSX format
pif file icon file extension pifMicrosoft Windows program information
 file extension cxpOmron CX Programmer data
 file extension axfARM Executable Format
msc file icon file extension mscMicrosoft management console control data
vbe file icon file extension vbeVisual Basic encoded script
nt file icon file extension ntWindows NT command script
 file extension scrScript
 file extension foxFoxPro executable file
 file extension g3aCasio Prizm program
trs file icon file extension trsMicrografx executable file
jse file icon file extension jseJScript encoded script
msp file icon file extension mspWindows Installer patch
 file extension selfSimple Executable Loader Format
command file icon file extension commandmacOS Terminal script
 file extension prgProgram
 file extension 8xpTI-83 Plus calculator program
osx file icon file extension osxApple Mac OS PowerPC executable
appref-ms file icon file extension appref-msApplication Reference data
 file extension pePE - Portable Executable
 file extension rtlRuntime library
 file extension dspNorton Viewer DLL library
vb file icon file extension vbMicrosoft Visual Studio Visual Basic script
 file extension gambasGambas application
app file icon file extension appVisual FoxPro application
 file extension dolNintendo GameCube executable data
 file extension mexw32MATlab program executable file
 file extension aliBlackberry Application Loader data
 file extension cacdBASE IV executable data
 file extension exe1Renamed executable
wiz file icon file extension wizMicrosoft Office wizard data
 file extension wweAMP1-16 renamed EXE file
 file extension x86Linux executable
 file extension azw2Amazon Kindle program
 file extension acxAtari ST program
 file extension oatGoogle Android RunTime optimized app
 file extension wieWordPress widget export data
 file extension nexeGoogle Chrome native client executable
 file extension widgetYahoo! Widget file
acc file icon file extension accAtari ST program executable
 file extension prgAtari ST program
 file extension rxeLego Mindstorms NXT executable
 file extension zpkgZyxel NSA-32x application package
pwz file icon file extension pwzMicrosoft PowerPoint wizard file
 file extension xipHP 95LX execute-in-place program
 file extension prcPalm OS resource or e-book
shb file icon file extension shbMicrosoft Windows shortcut into a document
 file extension rProgress database compiled program
 file extension frmForm file
wsh file icon file extension wshMicrosoft Windows Scripting Host data
 file extension ijcJava Card applet
 file extension kmdABSTAT for Windows batch data
 file extension jaxJava executable JAR file
 file extension agtPeerAgent Typed Executable E-mail data
 file extension prgCommodore executable programs in BASIC
 file extension sqrSQL program file
 file extension leDOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender executable image
 file extension nxeAdaOS main program module
 file extension cfxxePossibly Malware file
a6p file icon file extension a6pAdobe Authorware application
 file extension rbtxNXT Create Pack & Go package
 file extension pexProBoard executable
 file extension ns2pNord Stage 2 program
abs file icon file extension absAtari Jaguar DRI/Alcyon format
 file extension ifsIconForge image EXE library file
 file extension n-gageNokia N-Gage application
 file extension intMicro Focus COBOL signature semi-compiled program
 file extension lkuST Microelectronics linked unit data
 file extension skoSage accounting executable
 file extension dexeMicrosoft Virtual PC for Mac executable
ppp9 file icon file extension ppp9Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac wizard file
 file extension imeGlobal Input Method Editor data
 file extension rybRaynerboss executable data
 file extension aexAlpha Five linked executable
 file extension fqyFLAMES (FLARE) command data
 file extension dldCR10X EdLog compiled program
 file extension appSymbian OS application
 file extension btm4DOS batch to memory batch
 file extension bppKuaiyong downloaded iOS application
 file extension tgzDrobo application package
 file extension appClarion for Windows application
fpx file icon file extension fpxFoxPro compiled program
 file extension expPhar Lap protected mode executable program
 file extension pvaProcess Panel Builder application data
 file extension gpeGP2X video game executable file
 file extension xlnkXML Link
 file extension runISAPI Loader data
 file extension pyzwPython program
 file extension casCasio program
 file extension s2aSEAL program file
 file extension pgmCGI Program
 file extension runAlto Executive (Exec) program executable
 file extension binReadyNAS OS application
 file extension appThecusOS application
 file extension ipodRockbox executable application
widget file icon file extension widgetMicrosoft Windows Mobile widget
 file extension cmddBASE program
cpp file icon file extension cppApple Xcode Core C program
 file extension winceMicrosoft Windows CE program executable
 file extension tzxunRAID OS application package
 file extension nNeko bytecode
 file extension mexMatLab dynamically linked subroutine data
 file extension pmbBlackBerry Simulator application
 file extension cOrigin C program
 file extension appTeam Developer normal mode application
 file extension bi?LoseThos binary executable
 file extension outCompiled executable
 file extension qpxFoxPro compiled executable QBE query file
 file extension ehamHAM Programmer Toolkit ExtraHAM executable
 file extension sisx.dmNokia Ovi Store protected program
 file extension widgetKonfabulator widget
 file extension appGEM application bundle
 file extension iconfigiConfig executable
 file extension appDR-DOS executable application
 file extension litAMOS program executable
 file extension pefMacintosh Preferred Executable Format
 file extension gtpAtari ST executable file
 file extension appCybiko computer application file
 file extension somHP-UX System Object Model Executable
 file extension appPsion OVAL data
 file extension cmdOS/2 REXX batch script
 file extension ctlPDP-10 batch file
 file extension farrunFAR HTML batch script
 file extension xHuman68k operating system executable
 file extension sis.dmNokia Ovi Store protected program
 file extension gpuGP2X utility program
 file extension prxAtari ST executable
 file extension pdmDeskMate program
 file extension appOrbWorks PocketC CE application
ppz9 file icon file extension ppz9Microsoft PowerPoint for Mac wizard data
 file extension dbrTCM - MRP Software Compliled Executable
 file extension widgetHybridJava widget file
 file extension aifSmartWare executable program file
 file extension exeCanvas X slide show

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