A htm file extension is used for web documents stored in HTML Hypertext Markup Language file format. HTML language provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. Its the main language for writing web pages. A htm web page can be displayed in any Web browser.

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Software that open htm file

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HTM file extension - HTML Hypertext Markup Language web page

What is htm file? How to open htm files?

The htm file extension is associated with Hypertext Markup Language. The HTML language provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. Its the main language for writing web pages.

The htm files are sometimes used on DOS-based computers, which can not understand extension with more than 3 characters. But the .htm files are the same as files with the HTML file extension.

The *.htm files are web pages coded in the HTML language. The .htm web page can be displayed in any Web browser. The .htm file formats texts, tables, images, and other content that will be displayed on the page. Most pages within static websites have the .html extension.

The HTML source code is parsed by the web browser and is usually not visible to the user. But users usually have the option to "view source file" in their web browser with which they can read the source code. Because the .html files are saved in a standard text format, they can be opened and edit with any text editor.

Since 1996, the HTML specifications have been maintained, with input from commercial software vendors, by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). However, in 2000, HTML also became an international standard (ISO/IEC 15445:2000). The last HTML specification published by the W3C is the HTML 4.01 Recommendation, published in late 1999. Its issues and errors were last acknowledged by errata published in 2001.

The used Mime-type is:

Updated: May 11, 2024

The default software associated to open htm file:

Google Chrome icon

Google Inc. logoGoogle Chrome  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Google Inc.

A popular Internet browser for Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS, and mobile platforms. 

Microsoft Edge icon

Microsoft Corporation logoMicrosoft Edge  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Edge is a web browser introduced in the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system. It's fast and built for modern web applications and presentations. It allows users to share, read, and discover the Internet.

Sublime Text icon

Sublime Text  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Sublime HQ Pty Ltd

Sublime Text is advanced text editor used to write source codes in various programming languages. It is a great tool for programmers and offers great feature and performance. It is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems.

Firefox icon

Mozilla Corporation logoFirefox  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Mozilla Corporation

Firefox is very popular free open source web browser with many features.
Firefox supports tabbed browsing, private browsing, spell checking, incremental find, bookmarking etc. Other features can be added via extensions and add-ons, such as NoScript, Tab Mix Plus. FoxyTunes, Web Developer.

Adobe Dreamweaver icon

Adobe Systems Incorporated logoAdobe Dreamweaver  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe Dreamweaver is a professional-level web authoring and editing program that has both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standards-based websites and designs for both desktop and mobile platforms. The latest version, Dreamweaver CC is available as part of Adobe Creative Cloud.

Visual Studio Code icon

Microsoft Corporation logoVisual Studio Code  Multiplatform software

Company or developer:
Microsoft Corporation

Visual Studio Code is integrated development tool for creating web and cloud software available for Linux, Mac OS X (macOS), and Windows.

Related articles:

Cross-browser testing tools

The best web browsers for iPad

Help how to open:

You can use any text editor to edit this file, or use professional applications such Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Visual studio.
To view this file use any internet browser such Internet Explorer, Opera or Firefox.

How to convert:

You can search the web for some HTML converters or simply copy and paste from browser into any text editor capable to convert HTML tags into its document file format (eg. Microsoft Word). You can also export print/save webpage into .pdf file using some PDF software solution (Adobe Acrobat, FinePrint etc.).

Find conversions from htm file:

htm to doc

htm to excel

htm to jpg

htm to pdf

htm to xls

htm to xlsx

htm to xml

Find converter to htm file type:

bgl to htm

crypt to htm

crypt7 to htm

docx to htm

html to htm

indd to htm

xlsx to htm

Related links:

HTML on Wikipedia

HTML on W3C website

List of software applications associated to the .htm file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open htm file, edit htm file, convert htm file, view htm file, play htm file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in File-Extensions.org's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting htm files.

Software that open htm file - HTML Hypertext Markup Language web page

Programs supporting the exension htm on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open htm file action.

Microsoft Windows:

Main software associated with htm file by default:
Sublime Text small icon Sublime Text
Adobe Dreamweaver small icon Adobe Dreamweaver
Other suggested software:
PSPad small icon PSPad
NotePad++ text editor small icon NotePad++ text editor
Source Edit


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